Critical educational administration theory Critical educational administration theory provides a means whereby school l…
Read moreVALUES OF TEACHING BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Science has been given due place in our school education programmed by being…
Read moreSELF-ESTEEM Building a positive self-esteem & image A beggar was sitting at the train station with a bowl full of p…
Read moreHuman Relations Theory Human Relations Theory focuses specifically on the individuals needs and resultant behaviors o…
Read moreBehavioural Sciences Approach Behavioural sciences approach recommends a study of behavioural sciences (like, psychol…
Read morePost-behavioural Science era In the view of Murphy, three interrelated concepts form the development of the next era o…
Read moreAUGMENTED REALITY Augmented Reality (AR) can motivate and engage students by presenting them with an immersive exp…
Read moreClassical organization theory Classical organization theory includes two different management perspectives. 1. Scient…
Read moreCharacteristics of Augmented Reality AR has the following characteristics are: 1) Combines real and virtual; 2) I…
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