Critical educational administration theory
Critical educational administration theory provides a means whereby school leaders can understand and ultimately disentangle themselves from the various forces that impinge upon educational practice.
Under the critical perspective, the task of the school administrator in the school community is to establish a climate whereby reflection, critique, and open dialogue are possible.
Education is created by society and is influenced and influences the evolution of society. By changing themselves, educators can change society
Schools are viewed by the critical theorist as created human structures which maintain current societal ideology. As such, schools continue the social and intellectual restraints which cause people to remain oppressed
It is the duty of education to preside over gradualistic change toward a more perfect expression of the democratic tradition
Critical educational administration theory provides a means whereby school leaders can understand and ultimately disentangle themselves from the external and internal forces which impinge upon educational practice.
As Hoy (1994) clarified: "Critical theory attempts to raise peoples' consciousness about their living and working condition through logic and debate, but in the process it relies on the generation and analysis of ideologies“
The mere understanding of these forces or ideologies is insufficient from the critical perspective. Understanding must lead to action.
Critical pedagogy, encompasses an interaction between the student, teacher, and subject matter. This interaction is demonstrated through dialogue.
For the critical teacher, teaching is not an imposition of ideas and 'facts but a means to engage students in a discourse about ideas and facts
Educators should also stimulate the possibilities of expression, the possibilities of subjectivity. They should challenge students to discourse about the world.
Student silence is created by the arts of domination. Students are not silent by nature. They have a great deal to say, but not in the script of the traditional classroom. Reinventing the visual and verbal aspects of the classroom are two ways of addressing the destructive arts of passive education
Critical pedagogy is active pedagogy with both students and teachers engaging in dialogue in the classroom setting. The teacher's role in critical pedagogy is that of an active participant with the students.