Behavioural Sciences Approach
Behavioural sciences approach recommends a study of behavioural sciences (like, psychology, industrial psychology, sociology, anthropology etc.) for understanding human behaviour at work; and applying the basic concepts, theories and models of these sciences for moulding human behaviour in the desired manner.
Some important sociologists and psychologists who have contributed to this approach are:
A.I I. Maslow, Douglas McGregor, Frederick Herzberg, Kurt Lewin, Keith Davis, Chris Argyris, George Homans etc.
Elements of Behavioural Sciences Approach:
(i)An organisation is predominantly a social system; in addition to being a physical-technical system.
(ii)An individual joining the organisation brings to work place his needs, values, beliefs, attitudes and perceptual qualities.
(iii)Informal groups have their own unwritten constitutions; moulding individual behaviour favorably/unfavourably towards formal job assignments.
(iv) Conflicts between the organisation and individual and their groups though natural and inevitable, can be utilised towards extracting positive advantage out of such conflicts.
(v) Motivation and particularly non-monetary motivation has a profound effect on human behaviour at work,
(vi) Democratic leadership involving friendly supervision is extremely helpful in moulding workers’ attitudes towards work, in a favourable manner.
(vii) Two-way communication in the organisation makes for better understanding and good human relations-conducive to increased human efficiency at work.
(viii) Involvement of workers in decision-making process makes them more committed to the organisation and acts as a self-motivating device.