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"Why does this magnificent applied science which saves work and makes life easier bring so little happiness. The simple answer is -because we have not learnt to make a sensible use of it".

--Albert Einstein

The word correlation means a reciprocal relation between various subjects in the curriculum. The whole world is integrated and inter-related. The various phenomena and the processes that occur in the nature are all related to one another. No concept or a process can be understood in isolation. The entire universe is an integrated whole. The word correlation' occupies an important place in education. All the subjects in education are related. Education is also related with life.

Science is an inter-disciplinary subject and it cannot be taught in isolation. It is not a watertight compartment and it requires integration and correlation with other subjects for an effective development of scientific understanding. The experience of students in learning of science can be greatly enhanced by correlating it with other fields of study. Life science is a combination of various branches of science like  Biochemistry, Agriculture, Medicine, Microbiology, Genetics, Biotechnology etc. In addition to relating with general concepts, it has to be related with other subjects also.

The concept of correlation can be studied under the following subheads:

Ø  `Correlation of science with life

Ø  Correlation of science with other school subjects

Ø  Correlation of science subjects with each other.

Correlation of Science with Life

            Everything around us is directly or indirectly related to science. Therefore it is imperative on the part of the science teacher to relate the developments of science and application of scientific principles to the lives of the human beings. The teacher should

always provide simple real life examples while teaching a topic. These correlations create an interest and a realistic view of science among the students. The students tend to understand the importance of science in day-to-day life. The teacher should range visits to science museums, organize exhibitions, conduct science fairs and provide a deeper knowledge of application of science to human life.

The teacher can make a visit to an agricultural farm to quaint the students with the agricultural practices. A visit to a poultry farm or a dairy farm may give them an idea about the growth and development of these animals. The visit to a thermal station may provide an idea about the physical principles. The wage of disinfectants for eradicating the pathogens, manures for rowing the plants, a mirror for teaching the principles of light are some simple and common examples, which can relate the studyof science with life.

Correlation of Biological Science with Other Subjects

Biological Science is such a subject, which can be correlated very easily with others. This correlation in associating the knowledge the student gained in different subject classes. This makes the learning more meaningful. The relation of Biological Science with other subjects has been given below.


Biology and Mathematics

The knowledge of Mathematics helps in the teaching of Biology to a great extent. The formation of the body in definite propositions is an example to this.

· Equations are used in many places in Biology teaching. In the starch preparations of the plants Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are mixed in a definite proportion.

· The measurements in the microscope used in Biology experiments are marked as

· 1 Micron = 1/1000 mm (or) 0.0001mm

· 1 Milli Micron= 10A (or) 1/1000 micron

· The number of small cells in the lungs ranges from 200 to 500.

· The total length of the blood vessels in a human body is more than 1,00,000 km.

· The measurement of the heart is 9cm at its broadest side, 13cm in length, and it weighs 285-340 grams for men and 247-285 grams for women.

· Graphs play a prominent role in learning Biology. Particularly in heredity calculation, Mathematics knowledge is more employed.

Hence the teachers of mathematics and science should correlate and coordinate with each other for developing a comprehensive understanding of these two important subjects.

Biology and History

In history, the past events are arranged in order. As the life of a king or a nation is arranged in order in History, the life of a living being is arranged in Biology. The inventions in Biology, the effects, or researches are taught in the methods of history teaching. Similarly, while teaching history, the availability of food materials production, occupations, and establishments of roads are correlated. Hence the teachers of science and history may cooperate and design some projects, to correlate the scientists and scientific discoveries with historical data and further enhance the students' knowledge and an interest in the subject of science.

Biology and Geography:

Biology plays a role in the forests, mountain, plains, rivers, and tanks that come in geography. The climatic conditions of a particular place help in the life of living beings. It also plays a role in the dimensional development. Hence, along with the composition of the body of the animals, the nature of the land of their inhabitation should also be explained. Likewise, how the creatures of the sea and the creatures of the forests get their body compositions differently should be explained. And also how their food habits change and the difference in their body features should be taught through correlation between Biology and Geography. The teachers of science and geography should correlate these topics wherever necessary to make them interesting to the students.

Biology and Languages:

We employ the language only to express our ideas to others. No concept can be expressed or dreamt of without a language. Similarly for understanding the concept of Biology, theories and thoughts and to express them to others language is a must. So, language and Biology go hand in hand and are correlated with each other. It is the responsibility of a Biological Science teacher and a language teacher to develop the required language skills like listening, reading and writing in the students.

Biology and Drawing:

In Biology, drawing is an important act. Line drawings, diagrams drawn in the record note books, drawings drawn on the black board, cartoons, concept maps, and drawing of real objects are possible only by practicing drawing skills. If the fundamentals of drawings are learnt clearly, it can be of great use in the biology classes. Science needs creativity. Artists are creative. For developing these skills a Biology student should possess a basic knowledge of art. 

Biology and other Arts:

The craft teachers teach the students as to how things can be made by making use of the wood, metals, papers, and clay. Students can make use of the knowledge to make teaching aids by themselves and this can create in students an experience of doing things and learning biological concepts.

Biology and Environment:

The surrounding in which the living organisms live is called the Environment. A Biological Science student should be aware of the importance of the environment. It is essential for a student of Biology to possess knowledge of environment. A number of scientific principles can be correlated with environment like the concepts of pollution, afforestation, conservation of natural resources, and production of bio-products. Students should be able to relate classroom learning with the environment. The role of the science teacher is as a facilitator. She has to develop value judgment in the students.  Man depends on plants and animals for his food and protection. Likewise, animals depend on other animals and plants. The connection between the living and the non-living could be correlated to the atmosphere and taught to students.

In the above-mentioned ways, Biology teaching could be correlated with other subjects and natural setups in order to make Biology teaching very effective. Students can get the full knowledge and learning experiences and ultimately more skills could be developed in students.

1.9 Relationship of Biology with Other Branches of Science

Science is an inter disciplinary subject. All the branches of science are interrelated and interdependent on each other, as there are a number of facts and principles, which are common to a number of science subjects. The subjects of Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry are all related through some common principles in them. New and applied sciences like Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, and. Molecular Biology have been developed from traditional subjects Botany and Zoology. They are all inter-related with each other. An efficient science teacher has to integrate the different concepts of science wherever required to develop a comprehensive knowledge of science. The teacher should not bother about specialization in science as it is done for the sake of convenience. He /she should not remain tied down to their own subjects but venture into other areas to provide more clarity to learning.

Biology and Physics:

Good living place, environment, and climate conditions of a place are very necessary for the living beings to live well. The below mentioned Biology teaching depends on physical science.

§  While teaching the functions of the eye, we have to explain the process of lens arrangement in the camera and the travelling of the light rays through the lenses and the occurrence of images. When it is not possible to explain the falling of images, it can only be explained. Through screen and candle, falling of images can be correlated with the falling of images in the eye screen.

§  The osmosis is taught in biology as how the plants take water through the roots. The same osmosis is taught in physical to explain the process of osmosis through specific gravity. It is not possible to show the transition or water through plants from the root, so this process can be explained with the help of physical science osmosis experiment. The internal root structure and osmosis could be correlated in teaching.

§  Similarly, sensory organs like the eye, the ear, nose, tongue, and skin; and nervous system, tissue system, blood pressure, expansion and contraction of heart, the digested food taken through the veins and absorption by glands, walking, running, jumping could be correlated and explained with the help of physical science. In these activities, both Biology and physical science are found mixed together. Hence, this branch of science is called Bio-physics.

Biology and Chemistry

Biological concepts and the concepts of Chemistry are closely related. They are as follows.

§  The cell division, cell formation, and its components are based on the theory of molecule formation.

§  In order to explain the strength elements found in our food, we have to explain them only with the help of chemical components like carbohydrate, protein, Amino acids, fat, and vitamins. We have to use the correlation between Biology and Chemistry here

§  To understand some biological concepts like the quality of gas in respiration, nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, and oxidation, we need to have the basic knowledge of Chemistry. The Bio-chemistry is very much helpful to us to understand this.

§   The obstacles in the body, sugar, urinary infection problems, other physical disturbances along with the diagnostic gadgets used to detect diseases are the basis of the ideas of chemistry.

The benefits of correlation:

1. Correlation brings integration to lesson plan.

 2. It helps in bringing a complete development in the students.

3. It connects the society and the school.

4. It brings the ideas and concepts to a close connection.

5. It bifurcates ideas as against single thought.

6. It creates interest in learning.

7. It brings broadmindedness in teachers.

8. It motivates the teachers to learn more subjects and concepts.

9. It encourages learning by doing.

10. It helps natural learning.

Limitations of correlation:

It is not possible to correlate all the subjects. All teachers cannot follow correlate teaching. It can be practiced in higher classes because the higher-class students have got more to learn.

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