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Instructional Objectives form the core of an instructional procedure. The instructional objectives are developed and set before an instruction is planned and delivered. These objectives help in identifying the expected behavioral outcomes of the learners through that particular instruction. The instructional objectives are the terminal results of the learning stated in terms of changes observed in the learner's behaviour. The instructional objectives are developed based on the following factors:

·         The age and the maturity of the learner

·         The physiological and psychological parameters

·         The previous learning experiences

·          The availability of resources for imparting education.


Important character of instructional objectives:

Instructional objectives are the statements of students terminal behavior -the change in their behaviour which is a result of learning.

·         Instructional objectives indicate the outcomes of teaching learning process.

·         Instructional objectives are the skills that are imparted to the learner through the content.

·         Instructional objectives indicate the end result of learning.



These are specific learning outcomes of teaching learning process. They denote the learning outcome of the pupils and indicate how far an objective is achieved in a classroom situation. Specific learning outcomes are the observable, measurable behaviour changes in the learner and help in better communication between the teacher and the learner. Specifications are an important tool in lesson planning. Specifications are required to develop course material, teaching strategy and evaluate the learning outcomes.


Important characters of specifications


Ø  Specifications_are precise and unambiguous statements. Specifications are observable and measurable and are stated in terms of their action verbs

Ø   Specifications refer to only one instructional objective at a time.

Ø  Specifications are simple and feasible learning outcomes, which are attainable in a stipulated time and class allotted in a school.

Writing Learning Objectives in Behavioral Terms

Need of writing objectives in behavioral terms

Writing the statement of instructional objectives in behavioral terms or performance terms is called as writing objectives in behavioral terms. Taxonomic categories of objectives do not specify the form of teaching and learning activities. Behavioral objectives indicate learning activities in a classroom situation. In the present scenario there is utmost need to write objectives in behavioral terms. The teacher has to decide --

• What the child should be able to do in the classroom after the learning activity?

• What are the conditions required for developing this behavioral change?

• What will be the expected level of performance?

For answering the above questions, the teacher has to write down the instructional objectives in behavioral terms.

Hence the need for writing these objectives is:

• Teaching activities are determined and delimited.

• Teaching and learning process may be integrated for effective learning outcomes

• Selecting teaching strategies for effective learning.

• To make teaching and testing objective-centered.


Guidelines for writing the behavioral objectives

• The entry level of the learner should be known.

• The topic, the content and the learning experiences should be considered.

• The teaching learning objectives should be followed

• Appropriate mental processes and abilities should be considered for writing the behavioral objectives


Advantages of behavioral objectives

• Specify the objectives

• Select the items for the test

• Integrate the learning experiences with changes in the behavior

• Designing the teaching strategies and the teaching aids


Instructional Objectives arid Specifications for Teaching Biological Science

Objective- Knowledge: The pupil acquires the knowledge of biological terms, concepts, facts, processes etc.,


• The pupil recalls - the terms, concepts, facts and processes.

• Recognizes -the terms, facts, concepts, processes etc.,


Objective- Understanding: The pupil understands the biological terms, concepts, facts, and processes


• The pupil translates the data

• Illustrates with examples

• Identifies the relationships of various concepts and processes

• Compares the concepts and processes

• Classifies the groups

• Distinguishes between different closely related processes

• Explains the concepts and Interprets the biological data, concepts'. processes, floral diagrams and formulae, charts and models..


Objective- Application: The pupil applies the knowledge of biology to new and real life situations .


• The pupil- analyses the problem

• Predicts the hypothesis

• Suggests possible methods

• Gives reasons for various phenomena

• Establishes the cause and effects,

• Draws inferences for biological problems


Objective- skills: The pupil develops skills like drawing, manipulating, collecting and preserving, dissecting, observing and reporting skills


• The pupil develops skill of drawing: The pupil Draws neat and well labeled diagrams Draws with a sense of proportion

• Draws accurately and appropriately


• The pupil develops the skill of manipulation: The pupil

• Handles the apparatus carefully Arranges them systematically Observes the readings precisely Develops improvised apparatus



• The pupil develops the skill of preserving the specimens. The pupil

• Identifies the particular specimen

• Collects the specimen carefully

• Mounts the specimen using relevant procedures

• Preserves the specimen following the appropriate technique.




• The pupil develops the skill of dissecting: The pupil

• Selects the material for dissection Fixes the specimen appropriately Handles the instruments with precision Dissects carefully

• Displays the relevant parts



• The pupil develops skill of observation: The pupil Distinguishes between the different parts of the specimen.

• Identifies various parts of the specimen. Notices the relevant parts carefully. Reads an instrument accurately.

• Detects errors in the experimental setup



• The pupil develops the skill of reporting:

• Uses appropriate biological terms in describing the spec1mens

• Organizes the thoughts systematically

• Puts forth the opinions in a clear perspective.


Objective- Interest: The pupil develops interest in the study of plants and animals.


• The pupil develops interest' in

• Collecting and preserving plant and animal specimens

• Observing natural phenomena

• Reading books, magazines and journals on biology

• Visiting places of nature like forests, zoos, botanical gardens and museums.

• Participating in biological science activities in school


Objective- Scientific Attitude: The pupil develops scientific attitudes


• The pupil develops

• Curiosity to know the biological concepts

• Honesty of expression, Appropriate reasoning, Critical thinking, Unbiased judgement


Objective- appreciation: The pupil develops appreciation of nature and its utility to the human beings.


The pupil appreciates the knowledge of biology, the role played by biology in human improvement and realizes the significance of the study of biology. The pupil appreciates the Wonderful nature, Importance of plants and animals, Need for microorganisms and their use in our daily life, Utility of biology to human beings, Ecological balance and The role of biology in enhancing the welfare of mankind.


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