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Phases of a lecture


Phases of a lecture

            There are three phases of a lecture. They are preparatory phase, development phase and consolidation phase.

I. Preparatory Phase (Warm up Phase)

            In this phase students are to be prepared to receive the contents of a lecture. Variety of formal and informal techniques can be used to prepare the students or to arouse their level of motivation or curiosity. In the classrooms normally teacher relates the contents of the lecture to the previous knowledge of the students.

II. Development Phase

            This is the most important phase of the lecture. The entire body of the lecture is delivered in this phase only. Some activities of this phase are using analogies, giving suitable examples, proper illustration, comparison and differentiation, use of proper aids and in recent time’s proper use of audio visual technology in classrooms.

III. Consolidation Phase

            This is the end part of the lecture. Here the lectures pin point the important aspects of the lecture once again by summarizing. Now proper reviewing can be done to check the level of understanding by asking questions. Provide assignments, feedback and can relate the topic to the future learning content.

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